Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

black pearl

Promoted to Commodore in the Royal Navy, James Norrington played by Jack Davenport, star of many top 10 movies, proposes to Elizabeth played by Keira Knightley, a star fit for top rated movies, daughter of Governor Weatherby Swann, played by Jonathan Pryce. Her over-tight corset faint's her and she falls in the bay and the medallion she is wearing starts emitting pulse. She is rescued by Captain Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp, sure to jack this movie to top 10 movies, is recognized by Norrington, is arrested and condemned to death. Black Pearl docks at Port Royal responding to the pulse of the medallion and Elizabeth is captured by Captain Barbossa played by Geoffrey Rush, giving a performance fit for top movies, whom she tells her surname as Turner, remembering Will Turner played by Orlando Bloom, again a top performer with top rated movies, who was rescued by her father and herself eight years ago and to whom the medallion belonged. In exchange for the medallion the pirates agree not to attack Port Royal but keep her as hostage realizing she could get them out of the curse.

Will, in love with Elizabeth, persuades Jack to help free Elizabeth in lieu of his freedom after Norrington is unable to take immediate action. They get hold of HMS Interceptor and after recruiting crew head for Isla de Muerta, where according to Jack the pirates will go to break the curse. On way Will comes to know about the curse from Jack and learns how to break it. All the coins looted from the Black Pearl with blood of all the bandits on them should be put back in the chest. If a bandit is no more alive, blood of his close relative is required. The crew of Black Pearl had turned into skeletols because of the curse and could become mortals again if the last coin belonging to the deceased William 'Bootstrap Bill' Turner, father of Will Turner is returned with blood of Will on it.

On reaching the island, Will knocks off Jack and rescuing Elizabeth escapes but is chased by Barbossa and caught. On learning he is the son of Bootstrap Bill, Barbossa abandons Jack and Elizabeth on an island, destroys Interceptor and leaves for Isla de Muerta. Norrington who has been following Elizabeth rescues her and Jack. They turn to Isla de Muerta where Elizabeth helps rescue Will but Jack is left on the Black Pearl fighting Barbossa. Chasing on Norrington's ship, they ambush Barbossa and Jack and Will put the last two medallions in the chest thus breaking the curse. While trying to save Elizabeth Jack kills Barbossa and the crew, now mortals, surrenders. Will is pardoned and marries Elizabeth while Jack is successful in escaping to Black Pearl and his crew accepts him as Captain. Barbossa's monkey has come with Jack and when Jack picks up a coin from the chest, the monkey turns in to a skeleton jumping and screaming.

The film's idea has been developed by Jay Wolpert from the Pirates of Caribbean ride at the Disney Theme Park, but it was further developed by Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio, who have scripted many top movies, with the curse idea thrown in by producer Jerry Bruckheimer. The direction has been handled by Gore Verbinski, who has many top 10 movies to his credit and the music has been composed under Klaus Badelt and Hans Zimmer. Gore has done a splendid job on the movie which is going to be a big hit with adventure seeking viewers. Johnny Depp looks as if has been a pirate all his life. The locations have been chosen with great care and the use of CGI has been blended with them to give a realistic viewing experience. An Enjoyable and engrossing movie that shall be remembered for a long time to come for Depp - The Pirate.

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